If you’re feeling sluggish and ready to reclaim your fitness and health after the Christmas indulgence, this guide is for you. Let’s move past the guilt and focus on practical, sustainable steps to feeling strong, confident, and energised.
As we step into our 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond, it’s time to rethink the pure calorie counting approach.
Nutrition in midlife isn’t about rigid calorie counting. Instead, it's about understanding the fundamentals of nutrition and developing a mindful relationship with food.
Firm up your legs with this great 10 minute inner thigh workout. Inner thigh muscles aren't used very often with most exercises, so these exercises are perfect for hitting those hard to reach places.
I've decided to create some at home, quick workouts for busy mums. I do these workouts regularly and they are great for when you haven't got much time in your day, as well as for working on core areas of your body. This video has 5 minutes of intense exercise, which you can do with or without a band.