Top 10 Family Activities to do at home
If you have kids, endless hours of yoga, exercise, watching box sets and reading books will most likely not be your reality. With lots of time ahead of you to fill with activities you might want some ideas thrown your way.
If you're scratching your head wondering what else you can do, here are some of my top 10 isolation friendly activities to do with (or without) kids.
Elevenses with David Walliams
Every child's favourite author David Walliams is releasing free children’s audio books for 30 days. Join him at 11am every day for tales from The World’s Worst Children (and just hope that yours don’t get any ideas.)
Fun Recipes To Bake With Kids
Here are some of my favourite recipes, which are fun to bake and even better to eat.
Amy Treasure Blog - is the creator of some amazing, mouth watering treats. The Popcorn Rocky Road not only looks incredible, but it's easy to make, kids will absolutely love it, and it ticks a home economics box.
Edible Sugar Glass - a tasty science experiment. A friend of mine tried this with her boys and it was a win, win.
Is a fantastic small business that teaches you how to bake bread. Every Saturday at 10am, join in with Rhiannon on Facebook as she teaches live bake-alongs. All simple, quick recipes you can do with kids that use a limited range of ingredients.
Scrunchie & Bow Making
Join creative genius Nadia from Penelope Hope as she does a live tutorial every Friday at 11am on how to make scrunchies and bows. Join her Facebook group Creative Crusade by Penelope Hope for this and extra creative ideas too.
Papier-mache crafts
Papier-mache is great fun for whatever project your kids are working on at school because it can be modelled into anything. It's so easy to make all you need is a balloon, water, flour or PVA glue, paper and paint.
Some extra suggestions from Mama Life London…
• Paint pasta and string onto ribbon to make necklaces.
• Make a den using sheets, blankets and bits of furniture
• Make potions in the garden with water, mud, grass etc.
• Plant some seeds, plants and watch them grow
• Make a treasure hunt in the house
• Decorate old boxes and loo roll holders